Almost 20 years to the day of the car incident that impacted our family’s lives forever, we signed a book publishing contract for “The Miracle Child: Traumatic Brain Injury and Me”. We were very fortunate, ok, lucky(!), that three publishers had presented us with contracts to publish our memoir.
Contract signed!
Tentative launch date of our memoir is July 19.
We weighed the pros and cons of the three publishing models: self-publishing, hybrid publishing, and traditional publishing. We were certain of only one thing at that time. That is, we felt the inherent need to get our story in print (well, in an electronic version as well).
Writing the book was a cathartic experience. It was a way for Kelly and I to process the events through the years. Early in our journey we looked for a book to guide us and were disappointed to not find any. Toni Morrison once said “If there is a book you really want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.
We were compelled---to publish a book that may be helpful to others charting similar waters. There is quite a bit of information about brain injury that also applies to other disabilities. It is a story of tragedy, hope, and inspiration. We poured our innermost feelings and experiences from so many notes, medical records, doctor and therapist summaries, etc. into one source. We hope our words will resonate with others and help them in their time of need.
Why did it take so long? Well, the answer is… life happens. Kelly and I worked hard on some of the text and then we took some time off, which at times was months or even a year.
During the early days of the pandemic, we decided once and for all to get this project done and hired an editor. That forced Kelly and I to make deadlines and stick to them, because we paid someone to tell us to do so!
Anyway, July 19 has been scheduled for the date of the book launch. If you would like to receive updates leading up to the book release, please let us know by contacting us directly or by