She Looks Fine

Those three words pack quite a punch. If you are the caregiver or survivor you most likely understand what I am referring to. So many doctors, therapists, brain injury experts, friends, and family have spoken those words.


Yes, she looks fine but what does that mean? Our society believes if a person appears average without any scars, physical issues, or apparent intellectual disability he is fine. Invisible disabilities comprise many diagnoses and brain injury tops the list.

I recently wrote an article describing the problems we have incurred over the last 17 years. TBI Hope, a monthly digital publication, published it in their September issue Many survivors have reached out to tell me they can relate to this story. Why do so many think this way, especially medical professionals who have read her medical files or seen her scans?

I believe the only way to change this line of thinking is to educate, educate, educate. If you have had an experience such as this reach out. I would love to hear it and maybe we can educate and advocate together.