Several family members formed a semi-circle around my 86-year-old dad a few weeks ago as his light was dimming. Some of us whispered in his ear or said loving words softly, thinking that it would be the last opportunity to express ourselves. He said to my brothers and mother months ago, how fortunate he was to live as long as he had. He also told us what a good life he had experienced. My parents were married 64 years and he had three children and eight grandchildren.
Olivia took a moment to talk to my dad. She said when she was recovering from the car incident at age three, she had to relearn how to walk, talk, eat, and much more. She told him as we told her years ago, that her first word in her recovery was “Grandpa.” She just wanted to remind my father of that.
My dad, Sam Lang, with Olivia, several years ago.
My dad was the youngest of seven and his father passed away when he was young. Growing up with limited resources in the Pittsburgh area, the family managed to get by. As my dad became a young man, he joined the Air Force, married, and my older brother and I were born at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH. Later, dad became a dentist, expanded our family with another son, and as he got older helped several family members. My dad and mom were a stabilizing force with the extended family, not just with those who shared the Lang name.
Recalling his mother’s death when I was fifteen, I wrote some words just to myself…I liked to read and write quite a bit but chose not to share my thoughts with anyone at the time. During my father’s funeral service, I slightly modified those words written decades ago to:
Keep a song of joy in your heart,
Even though it’s time for us to part.
We’ll be together soon,
And time will fly,
Because we never really say goodbye.
You know my feelings for you are strong,
And I’m not afraid to admit it all along,
We’ll be together soon,
And time will fly,
Powerful emotions like my love are why.